Microsoft Designed Xbox One To Stay For 10 Straight Years
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Microsoft Designed Xbox One To Stay For 10 Straight Years
By Vipindeep on September 3,
Xbox One design is much similar to its predecessor. While keeping in mind the very important factor of reliability, Microsoft have really pushed the limits on their latest console. A reliable source says that the console has been designed to run continuously for 10 straight long years.
Microsoft designed Xbox One for 10 long years, so it needs to run silent enough, so that one could keep it in his/her living room. This was little challenging for Microsoft, but they have did it. Microsoft went with a fairly large design which allows better heat dissipation.
The Xbox One is about 34x26x8c, which a considerably larger than the 360. Check out the more information about its hardware specs from here.
When in standby and during media functions, the Xbox One is expected to stay almost silent. And only a little noticeable sound can be heard from the fan while gaming.
This reduction in noise is because of two reasons”
- The optical drive being inactive during gameplay
- A decent quality heat sink with a relatively large fan.
This is all because of simple scientific logic and that is “The larger the blades, the slower they need to spin to displace air, and less rotations means less noise.”